THE FACE SHOP Jeju Volcanic Lava Volcanic Ash Nose Strips provides a speedy solution to purify nose to remove sebum, impurities, blackheads, and dirt inside the pores. It has stronger adhesiveness (extra strength) than of the Aloe Nose Strips
[ JEJU VOLCANIC LAVA LINE ]A Functional Skin Pore Care line using the volcanic soil of the clean island of Jeju, that contains Jeju Volcanic Lava and City Defender Complex, to fully remove impurities and tightening pores.
What is Jeju Volcanic Lava? A natural ingredient with fine pores formed when lava cooled down rapidly during the eruption of Mt. Halla 600,000 years ago. It absorbs sebum effectively and keeps the skin pores clean deep inside.
Size: 7 Strips